Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery consists of surgical treatment of any problematic or pathological condition of the mouth or jaws. Common oral procedures tend to be the removal or problematic teeth as well as the treatment and preservation of ones that are diagnosed as treatable.

Wisdom Teeth:

More often, one or more of these third molars fails to emerge in proper alignment or fails to fully emerge through the gum line and becomes entrapped or “impacted” between the jawbone and the gum tissue. Impacted wisdom teeth can result in swelling, pain, and infection of the gum tissue surrounding the wisdom teeth. In addition, impacted wisdom teeth can cause permanent damage to nearby teeth, gums, and bone and can sometimes lead to the formation of cysts or tumors that can destroy sections of the jaw. Therefore, dentists recommend people with impacted wisdom teeth have them surgically removed. Some symptoms of wisdom teeth include:


  • Red or swollen gums.
  • Tender or bleeding gums.
  • Jaw pain.
  • Swelling around the jaw.
  • Bad breath.
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth.

Surgical Extractions:

There can be a number of situations where the surgical extraction technique might be used. It can either be planned, anticipated, or even an impromptu procedure. They also include broken or fragile teeth, anatomical issues (long/ curved roots), dense or inelastic bone, and lastly root tip removal. 

As a patient, the last thing you want is for the unexpected to occur during your tooth extraction, or for it to be a more difficult process than it needs to be (including healing). Implementing surgical steps with your procedure generally means that it will go quicker, more predictably and result in less surgical trauma than if (probably likely) undesired events did occur.

Try to think of having a surgical extraction as a form of insurance that helps to guarantee that your entire experience will be as pleasant and uneventful as it can be.

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